
We recommend using a spray bottle or a hose-end sprayer to avoid wastage. Shake well before use. Use “little & often” for best results.


Biofeed foliar spray: Prepare Biofeed foliar spray by mixing one part Biofeed with up to fifty parts of water. Biofeed solution: Prepare Biofeed solution by mixing one part Biofeed with 20 parts water. Germinating: Sow seeds in trays. Feed with Biofeed solution weekly. When first leaves appear, use Biofeed foliar spray with each watering. Planting seedlings: Prepare beds, pots, baskets with compost and/or potting mix. Soak seedlings (either singly or whole punnet), plant, rose, shrub, tree or indoor plant roots in Biofeed solution for 10-20 minutes prior to planting. After planting, water in with Biofeed solution. This will aid against transplant shock and disease. Use Biofeed foliar spray weekly or fortnightly as required until fruiting or flowering begins. This will enhance stem and plant health. General feeding with Biofeed foliar Spray: Use Biofeed foliar spray weekly or fortnightly as required for general plant health. In hot weather, spray in early mornings and late evenings only. Be careful of run-off drips. Biofeed is odourless and can be washed away with water if spillage occurs.

This organic compost tea will enhance the other preparations by assisting in the biological activity necessary for the enzymes and organisms to do their work. A flourishing garden can be kept healthy by weekly foliar and root feeding with Biofeed foliar spray. Best results are achieved by foliar feeding in the cool or the evening or early morning. If the weather turns very hot – then just water in around the base of the plant during those periods.

  • Compost tea is an organic plant food and soil conditioner made from hot composting animal manures and other elements. It’s a ‘tea’ that no serious organic gardener anywhere in the world today can live without and a great alternative to your garden plant fertiliser! Natural Organic Compost Tea has traditionally been used as a natural soil conditioner and natural alternative to plant fertiliser. Its positive and beneficial enzymes, microorganisms and trace elements are collected during the ‘hot’ composting phase. These assist the release of dormant or blocked essential nutrients and other beneficial organisms in the soil. The microorganisms and trace elements present in natural organic compost tea aid plant immune system and assists plants against pest disturbances that are so common in our gardens today.

  • Prepare the ground well in advance of planting vegetables. The best results are achieved if the ground is top-dressed with animal manures or compost and allowed to settle over the winter. Dig these products well into the soil prior to planting vegetables.
    Apply Biofeed solution in a similar way to seedlings with a good wetting of the seed bed and regular applications when young plants emerge. Biofeed solution can be applied either as a foliar or root feed right up to vegetables being ready to consume.

    General vegetables: Spray weekly in mornings or evenings for nice organic flavours.
    Potatoes and other root veges: Spray leaves until runoff gets into roots. Apply more often when flowering.
    Tomatoes: Every few days, feed roots and leaves for promoting great organic taste.

  • Everybody’s favourite. Roses need a good healthy bed of animal manures and compost to get established and can be kept healthy with continual root and foliar feeding with Biofeed foliar spray.
    If the soil is dry and no compost or animal manures are available then before planting the rose soak the roots in a strong Biofeed mix of one part Biofeed to ten parts water for twelve hours.
    Keep rose roots moist with Biofeed. Spray foliage in early morning or evening.
    If an established rose is unhealthy and won’t flower then uproot it and soak the roots in similar Biofeed mix for twelve hours and then replant into a well manured bed. Rose roots are often too dry and hard and have difficulty absorbing enough nutrient so a good soaking can be of much benefit.

  • Pot Plants: Add Biofeed when watering. Give them a feed as well as a drink.
    Roses: Old Roses: Uplift and soak roots in Biofeed for 24 hours. Replant in good composted soil.

  • Prepare pots, baskets or beds well. Water in plants with 20 parts water to one part Biofeed. – then regularly use the Biofeed solution until well established and then Biofeed foliar spray to maintain health.
    Flowering garden plants will respond in a similar way to vegetables. Regular usage is great “Bloom Booster”. Best in early morning or evenings.
    Biofeed’s nutrients and trace elements work directly on the root and plant system. Not only does it assist to aid against plant diseases and pests, it actively assists a plant to produce strong buds and abundant flowerings.

  • To get indoor plants established apply Biofeed solution once a week. Once plants are established and vigorous growth is no longer required then keep the plants healthy by using Biofeed foliar spray. Do this every time you water the plant.
    Plants in Transit: Soak in strong Biofeed mix – one part Biofeed to 10-12 parts water. Avoids stress and keeps fit for planting.